Maintenance Mania 2018
Register your maintenance professionals today to participate in the 2018 NAA Maintenance Mania competition on March 14, 2018 at Martins Crosswinds!
This exciting and fun NAA competition is designed to recognize and reward your hard-working maintenance staff. There are opportunities to win lots of cash and great prizes, AND a chance to advance to the National Competition, to be held at NAA’s Convention, June 13-16, 2018 in San Diego, CA.
Please see LOTS of valuable information about Maintenance Mania on NAA's website.
Registration fee is $125 per participant.
To Register for March 14th: Please complete this Registration Form for each participant.
Join Us for Training Sessions and Prepare to Win!
To prepare, your maintenance professionals are encouraged to participate in complimentary, pre-event Practice Sessions on Feb. 23 from 8:00am to Noon. On March 9, a practice session will run from 8:00am to 4:00pm.
All sessions will be held at Central Wholesalers Training Facility in Beltsville, MD, and RSVP is not required.
Participate as a Sponsor
Please download this 2018 Sponsor Opportunities flyer for details!
Questions? Contact Jeanne Clarke at
Participate as a Cheerleader
Members are encouraged to come and cheer for their team members, however, registration is required. The fee to participate as a cheerleader is $65 per person, which includes the Reception and Awards program. Please register online by clicking the "Registration Options" above.
Schedule Details for March 14
Please note: the Car Check begins at NOON.
Spectator Arrival begins at 1:00pm.
The Competition begins at 2:00pm, with the Reception and Awards from 5:00 to 7:00pm.
We look forward to another successful and FUN event!!
Registration for all AOBA events is handled online only. Please remember that to receive the Member Rate for AOBA events, you need to take a moment to set up your personal online profile - and include your shipping address so you can receive INSIDE, our printed bi-monthly newsletter. And if your company is an AOBA member, you are automatically a member! Questions? Email Eliot Hubbell,