After Hours Reception
Thursday, May 10, 2018
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (EDT)
Tony and Joe's Restaurant at Washington Harbour
3000 K Street, NW Washington, District Of Columbia 20007 United States

Warm sunny weather offers a great time to relax and enjoy an AOBA “After Hours” reception.
This year’s event once again recognizes our hard-working property managers.
Enjoy terrific views of the Potomac River, delicious hors d’oeuvres and great conversation and plentiful beverages!
Mark your calendar and register online soon. This is a members-only event.
Or, if you prefer, download the After Hours flyer to register.
DON’T MISS THIS CHANCE to mingle with colleagues and meet new friends at this popular venue.
Registration for all AOBA events is handled online only. Please remember that to receive the Member Rate for AOBA events, you need to set up your personal online profile - and include your shipping address so you can receive INSIDE, our printed bi-monthly newsletter. And if your company is an AOBA member, you are automatically a member!
Questions? Email Jeanne Clarke,